José-Luis Morán-López is president of the Mexican Academy of Sciences and a full researcher at the department of the advanced materials division of the Potosí Institute of Scientific and Technological Research.
Morán-López has made many significant contributions to the scientific community in Mexico throughout his career. In 1996, the Potosí Council of Science and Technology was created under Morán-López’s leadership in the state of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, as a state agency for the promotion of science and technology, of which Morán-López was its first general director. From that office, he also promoted the creation of the Potosí Institute for Scientific and Technological Research (IPICYT), one of the finest Mexican institutions with international recognition to date. The IPICYT National Center of Supercomputing also was created under his leadership in 2004.
He has received numerous prestigious awards throughout his distinguished career including being awarded the National Sciences and Arts Prize in the areas of Physico-Mathematical and Natural Sciences in 1996, the highest distinction for scientists in Mexico.
Morán-López has published more than 215 scientific articles in journals and books with international circulation, 40 popular science articles and contributed to newspapers. He is co-editor of nine specialized books, two in Springer Verlag publishing house and seven in Plenum Press.
Throughout his scientific career, he has been visiting professor at several European and Latin American universities.Additionally, he has served as guest lecturer at several meetings and conferences both in Mexico and abroad.
He is a member of the American Physical Society, American Vacuum Society, Materials Research Society, European Physical Society and The World Academy of Sciences, among others. Morán-López also served as President of the Scientific Committee of the International Council of Sciences from 2012 to 2016.
Morán-López obtained a bachelor’s degree in physics from the School of Physics of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosí in 1972 and a master’s degree in theoretical physics from the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (Mexico) in 1974, graduating Magna Cum Laude as a Doctor Rerum Naturalium from the Free University of Berlin in 1977.