Lithakazi wears round metal framed glasses and a light blue and white check top.

About Lithakazi Nxiweni

Country: South Africa

Pronouns: she/her

Lithakazi Nxiweni has more than three years of experience in innovation, modernization and low-carbon development. Currently, Lithakazi is innovation consultant at the Research Institute for Innovation and Sustainability, where she explores the social and economic implications of technological and system innovation in important South African economic clusters. She also has experience implementing renewable energy solutions and has mentored youth interested in the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math). Lithakazi holds a master's degree in climate change, policy, and development. She is committed to ensuring climate justice and people-centered and development-driven modernization that will move South Africa toward a decarbonized economy. After completing the Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders, Lithakazi plans to play an influential role in driving youth activism for renewable energy and climate-change solutions and in creating awareness of the developmental implications of climate policy for the African continent.

Email Lithakazi Nxiweni

Related SDGs

On a bright yellow background are an image of a power button with sunrays coming out of it like it's the sun, the number 7, and the words, "Affordable and Clean Energy."
On a deep red background are an illustration of a bar chart trending up, the number 8 and the words "Decent Work and Economic Growth"
On a bright orange background, cubes are stacked one on top, three on the bottom with two at the base being visible. Above the image is the number 9 and the words "Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure"
On a magenta background are an equal symbol surrounded with arrowhead symbols pointing out like compass, the number 10, and the words "Reduced Inequalities"
On a green background is an illustration of an eye with the global as the iris, the number 13 and the words, "Climate Action."

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