International and Academic English

Prepositions of Time (at/in/on)

Choosing the correct preposition can be tricky in English since there are three different prepositions commonly used in expressions of time: at, in, and on.

Past Simple vs. Present Perfect

Both present perfect and simple past can be used to talk about past events, so it can be tricky to figure out which one is best to use. Review these quick tips to help you remember the differences between the two.

Conditional Statements

Conditionals in English are one of the most challenging grammar structures for non-native English speakers. Review these images to brush up on conditionals and then complete the practice exercise to check your understanding.

Pronouns and Gender

Language is constantly evolving. We add new words, and we adjust the ways we use old words. This happens a lot with nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs, but we don't see it happen as frequently with some other categories like pronouns (me, your, etc.) or conjunctions (and, but, etc.).

Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal verbs (like look up and find out) present many challenges to non-native English speakers. In this resource, we'll review those challenges, offer some tips to help you handle them and share activities and tips for helping you improve your mastery of these verbs.

High-Frequency Phrasal Verbs

To help you practice and review phrasal verbs, we've divided the Phrasal Verb (PHaVE) List compiled by Garnier & Schmitt (2015) into 10 Quizlet practice sets with 15 phrasal verbs each. Only the most common meaning(s) for each phrasal verb are given.

Test-Related Terms

Do you know the common expressions used for talking about different types of test questions or exam policies? Use the test below to check your knowledge and help you learn some ways to describe exams.

Information for Newly Admitted Graduate Students

Welcome to UC Davis! International and Academic English offers assessment and support to multilingual graduate students to help them be successful. This page contains information about how to meet university language requirements and how to receive English language support.

Graduate Language Requirements

There are three language requirements for graduate students.

UC Davis Jargon

UC Davis Jargon

We use acronyms, abbreviations, and special names for many campus terms. Being familiar with these terms can help you communicate with others on campus.